November 4, 2016
Have your pet's picture taken with Santa!
Animal Services, 3120 Martin Way, Olympia, WA
Saturday, December 3rd from 3pm to 7pm
Sunday, December 4th from 10am to 2pm.
Cost is $20 for a CD with 5 photos
Reservations are recommended. Call ...

August 4, 2016
August is National Immunization Awareness Month, so we want to take this opportunity to remind you that pets need vaccinations, too!
In addition to their annual wellness exam, our pets need to be vaccinated against specific diseases that can seriously ...

June 22, 2016
Update: The clinic was a big success, with about 60 dogs and cats getting microchipped and licensed. A special thanks to Dr. Bruce Bell for performing the chipping and to all the volunteers who made the clinic run so smoothly!
Animal Services is ...

June 3, 2016
June brings sunny skies, lazy school-free days...and kittens!
Have you been thinking of adopting a cat? Now is a great time! Maybe adopt two together so they have someone to be "catty" with.
Not able to adopt a cat, but would like to help? ...

May 3, 2016
Animal Services has been microchipping pets for adoption since 1992. Chips are a great way to provide backup identification to pet licenses and we highly recommend the practice. Many veterinarians provide microchipping for pets, so check with your ...

September 26, 2015
We are so excited about our new website and hope you enjoy it too! Feel free to poke around, explore the pages and read Cal’s new blog. We’re still working out a few bugs, so we appreciate your patience.