A red kitten with toy mice
Shelter Needs

The animals need your help! Please consider donating any of the following items to the animals. Donations can be dropped off at the Shelter or delivered through our Amazon Wish List. Ordered items can be shipped directly to the shelter. (Note: Due to privacy restrictions, we do not always receive customer information with the items delivered from our wish lists. If you purchase something from our online wish lists, please email your receipt to the Shelter so we may properly thank you for your gift.)

Items needed by Animal Services are always changing, see the list below for our current needs.  We update this list as our needs change.  Many items on our wish list are available in local stores, so please consider supporting our local small businesses.

Pet Food

Pet Supplies

Other Supplies

Items We Can’t Accept

We appreciate the support the community gives us and gladly accept all donations that we can utilize in the shelter or can give out to those in need. Due to limited space available to store items, the below items we can’t accept. 

Thank you!