Medical Help

Help with Veterinary Bills

The following list is provided as a resource for those in the community who need assistance with veterinary bills.  Animal Services does not endorse any of the following groups and recommends that you check out any organization before giving them your or your pet’s personal information.

Care Credit A credit card company for health care, including veterinary care. “With a comprehensive range of plan options, for treatment or procedure fees from $1 to over $25,000, we offer a plan and a low monthly payment to fit comfortably into almost every budget.”

Concern for Animals is a non-profit organization that promotes the welfare of animals in Thurston, Lewis and Mason counties. Contact them to help pay for spay/neuter, emergency medical care and vaccinations. Check out the Concern for Animals local resource page for more information on items like in-home euthanasia services, food bank locations, other adoption locations and many more useful items.

The Pet Fund  “The Pet Fund is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit association that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals who need urgent veterinary care.”

RedRover  “The RedRover Relief program provides funding to Good Samaritans, animal rescuers and pet owners to help them care for animals in life-threatening situations.”

Groups Who are Breed- or Injury-Specific:

Corgi Aid

Doberman 911 It’s for special needs and senior dobermans who need medical help. You can donate to help them, or have them put your dobie up there if you need help too!

The Humane Society of the United States also has a comprehensive list of pet financial aid-related organizations, organized by state.